The following will be a list of simple examples to demonstrate some of the features of Paloose (and differences with Cocoon). Be patient while I find time to add some more.
The Paloose site (obviously) uses Paloose (in Server mode) to serve its pages. It is instructive to see some of the internal workings of the site to see a real Paloose based site. Not all the files are given here (there are just too many of them). I have not designed for ultimate efficiency, rather I have tried to exercise as much of Paloose as I can. Note that the pages and content structure can change at any time and are still a work in progress, and that the XML pretty-printer removes spacing that was in the original file (in other words the originals look a lot better). The directory structure is based on one I use in all my sites:
.htaccess — essential to route document types to Paloose not Apache.
paloose-ini.php — main entry point to Paloose.
sitemap.xmap — root sitemap.
Configuration folder (configs)
Paloose.xml — Where the local logging levels are set — to be left alone unless you understand what is going on. There is a bare minimum of log information stored as the default.
Content folder. Most of these are the basic content behind the site's delivered pages. The following are a complete list (generated using DirectoryGenerator):
sitemap.xmap — Subsitemap for the content pages. All html requests (other than the examples and documentation) end up here.
Documentation folder. The files here are identical in form to those in the content directory.
sitemap.xmap — Subsitemap for the documentation pages.
Examples folder. The files here are identical in form to those in the content directory.
sitemap.xmap — Subsitemap for the examples pages.
Resources folder. Where all the CSS, XSL, schema and image files are kept.
Images folder. All the images.
Schemas folder. All the RELAX NG schemas. Note that the pretty-printer here is not a straight XML reproduction of the file. Each schema uses some common parts accessed from within the schema. I cannot guarantee that they reflect the latest content XML.
page.rng (pretty printed version) — The main schema for the content pages.
paloose-sitemap.rng (pretty printed version) — The main schema for Paloose sitemaps. It is not user expandable and I have developed it only as a guide and check on my own files when creating sites. If it is useful to anyone then fine.
Styles folder. All the CSS style files.