
The following will be a list of simple examples to demonstrate some of the features of Paloose (and differences with Cocoon). Be patient while I find time to add some more.

Paloose Site

The Paloose site (obviously) uses Paloose (in Server mode) to serve its pages. It is instructive to see some of the internal workings of the site to see a real Paloose based site. Not all the files are given here (there are just too many of them). I have not designed for ultimate efficiency, rather I have tried to exercise as much of Paloose as I can. Note that the pages and content structure can change at any time and are still a work in progress, and that the XML pretty-printer removes spacing that was in the original file (in other words the originals look a lot better). The directory structure is based on one I use in all my sites:

[root-directory]/ ----- configs/ -------- Paloose.xml |-- content/ -------- (top level pages such as index.html) |-- documentation/ -- (the component documentation pages) |-- examples/ ------- aggr/ | |-- gallery/ | |-- i18n/ | \-- sitemap.xmap |-- resources/ ------ images/ | |-- schemas/ | |-- scss/ | |-- styles/ ----- scss_cache/ | |-- transforms/ ----- rexsel/ | \-- sitemap.xmap |-- .htaccess |-- paloose-ini.php \-- sitemap.xmap
Copyright 2006 – 2024 Hugh Field-Richards. All Rights Reserved.