Installation Guide

Installation is very simple — it is just making sure that the Paloose directory is in the right place.

  1. Unpack the download into the destination directory. This is currently in /Library/WebServer/Documents on my development box (MacPro Quad-Core Intel Xeon 2.66 GHz running Mac OS X 10.6.4). This will be ROOT_DIR in the examples below.

    ${ROOT_DIR}/paloose hsfr$ ls -l total 200 -rw-r--r-- 1 hsfr wheel 101095 May 17 12:20 paloose-latest.tgz ${ROOT_DIR}/paloose hsfr$ tar zxvf paloose-latest.tgz configs/ lib/ lib/environment/ ... ${ROOT_DIR}/paloose hsfr$ rm paloose-latest.tgz ${ROOT_DIR}/paloose hsfr$ ls configs lib resources ${ROOT_DIR}/paloose hsfr$
  2. That's it.

The only thing that must be done to get Paloose to run is to make sure that your ISP is happy to run PHP5 with the correct XML parser. For example, when I built my PHP5 on my local server the configure command was run with "--with-xsl". The important thing is that you must not use "--with-xslt-sablot". You need to turn off Sablotron support and use libxml.

Configuring Paloose is described here and requires Paloose to be told where the various components are stored. However a standard insall required very little changes.

Copyright 2006 – 2024 Hugh Field-Richards. All Rights Reserved.