RELAX NG Schema for Common Attributes and Strings
Author: Hugh Field-Richards
Date: 2009-05-27T19:00

The following optional attributes can be used anywhere to provide extra information about the content.

I am not sure about the uniqueness check in the following Schematron rule, treat with caution.

common.commonAttributes — Warning! not used within this schema file. (Combine: choice)
define : common.commonAttributes
Uniqueness constraint on id
Context : “*/@id
if not condition “count( //@id[ . = current() ] ) = 1
then output: attribute id not unique in !
attribute : id
data : string
attribute : label
data : string
attribute : lang
data : string
attribute : latex
<define name="common.commonAttributes" combine="choice">
   <sch:pattern name="Uniqueness constraint on id">
      <sch:rule context="*/@id">
         <sch:assert test="count( //@id[ . = current() ] ) = 1">
      <attribute name="id">
         <data type="string"/>
      <attribute name="label">
         <data type="string"/>
      <attribute name="lang">
         <data type="string"/>
      <attribute name="latex">
         <ref name="common.yesNoType"/>

Simple Yes or No type

common.yesNoType (Combine: choice)
define : common.yesNoType
value = "yes"
value = "no"
value = "Yes"
value = "No"
value = "YES"
value = "NO"
<define name="common.yesNoType" combine="choice">

Simple True or False type

common.trueFalseType — Warning! not used within this schema file. (Combine: choice)
define : common.trueFalseType
value = "true"
value = "false"
value = "0"
value = "1"
<define name="common.trueFalseType" combine="choice">

UK Postcode

common.UKPostcodeType — Warning! not used within this schema file. (Combine: choice)
define : common.UKPostcodeType
data : string
param : pattern "(GIR 0AA)|((([A-Z-[QVX]][0-9][0-9]?)|(([A-Z-[QVX]][A-Z-[IJZ]][0-9][0-9]?)|(([A-Z-[QVX]][0-9][A-HJKSTUW])|([A-Z-[QVX]][A-Z-[IJZ]][0-9][ABEHMNPRVWXY])))) [0-9][A-Z-[CIKMOV]]{2})"
<define name="common.UKPostcodeType" combine="choice">
   <data type="string">
      <param name="pattern">(GIR 0AA)|((([A-Z-[QVX]][0-9][0-9]?)|(([A-Z-[QVX]][A-Z-[IJZ]][0-9][0-9]?)|(([A-Z-[QVX]][0-9][A-HJKSTUW])|([A-Z-[QVX]][A-Z-[IJZ]][0-9][ABEHMNPRVWXY])))) [0-9][A-Z-[CIKMOV]]{2})</param>

A lightweight definition of a URI

common.httpURI — Warning! not used within this schema file. (Combine: choice)
define : common.httpURI
data : anyURI
param : pattern "http://.*"
<define name="common.httpURI" combine="choice">
   <data type="anyURI">
      <param name="pattern">http://.*</param>

A simple domain name

This is of the form xxx,, etc.

common.domainName — Warning! not used within this schema file. (Combine: choice)
define : common.domainName
data : string
param : pattern ".+(\..+)*"
<define name="common.domainName" combine="choice">
   <data type="string">
      <param name="pattern">.+(\..+)*</param>

A simple email address

This is of the form yyy@xxx,, etc.

common.emailAddr — Warning! not used within this schema file. (Combine: choice)
define : common.emailAddr
data : string
param : pattern ".+@.+(\..+)*"
<define name="common.emailAddr" combine="choice">
   <data type="string">
      <param name="pattern">.+@.+(\..+)*</param>
common.longMonthString — Warning! not used within this schema file. (Combine: choice)
define : common.longMonthString
value = "January"
value = "February"
value = "March"
value = "April"
value = "May"
value = "June"
value = "July"
value = "August"
value = "September"
value = "October"
value = "November"
value = "December"
<define name="common.longMonthString" combine="choice">